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i'm feeling...
the proto_P network
this is as a place for me to collect myself. my hub for creations and curations.
proto is an entity in my brain that represents everything i can't be or do in the real world. P is me. this is our network. enjoy! also yes i'm a pro top.
about the webmaster
hello, this is P. i'm a human from planet earth! professional yapper and lover of things.
my favorite activities are eating sweets, listening to music, and staring at flowers. my favorite drink is water. my favorite dessert is tiramisu.
this site is a bit of an ode to the bygone and created with the encouragement of cool people.
leaving so soon? here, take one of these souvenirs to add to your collection!
my intended audience is adult desktop users.
i claim no ownership of any resources unless stated otherwise. template by repth. emojis found on emojibank. dolls found scattered throughout the internet archive. + do not hotlink any assets from this site.